Dear partners,
The Steering Committee of the Association for Health and Medical Programs (ASPM) is pleased to announce the launch of the CENTER FOR SCIENCE AND INNOVATION IN NUTRITIONAL MEDICINE ( CESIN ), a project developed by ASPM, having as scientific partners Romanian Universities of Medicine and Pharmacy and Health Institutions, and as interested partners Patient Associations, Pharmaceutical Companies, Health Authorities and Health Service Providers.
CESIN is a project developed at national level, which through the agreed partnerships aims to promote the development of the concept of medical nutrition in Romania. In this regard, we will carry out in the next period training programs for health professionals in the field of nutritional medicine, in order to develop the concept of nutritional intervention that associated with conventional therapies has a positive impact on the evolution of patients with chronic diseases. Through this development direction, CESIN aims to become the most advanced center of expertise in Romania in the field of nutritional medicine with addressability to chronic patients.
We all know that in recent years there has been more and more talk about what a healthy lifestyle means. Under these circumstances, the CESIN approach plays a key role, because when we talk about optimizing our lifestyle, we are talking about balanced nutrition. Nutritional imbalances are present in more than 80-90% of all existing pathologies, and the complexity of metabolic changes makes the approach to nutritional intervention an essential action.
We intend to create at national level a network of specialists with skills in addressing nutritional intervention for patients with chronic diseases, referring to a multi-level approach: academic – promoting the development of specialists at the university level, having the support of our partnerships with the Universities of Medicine and Pharmacy in the country; Continuous training – of specialist doctors, family physicians, pharmacists and mid-level staff through a series of seminars and webinars coordinated at both national and regional level with the help of partner institutions, according to a well-defined training programs.
CESIN also wants to develop medical research projects in the field of medical nutrition, as well as specialized support programs to support nutritional intervention.
The purpose of CESIN is to bring nutritional intervention among the primary indications in the process of treating and caring for patients and aims to create an environment that provides equitable access to health services and health nutrition products, supporting the needs of patients in Romania.
CESIN values are those that govern ethics, academic value, scientific probity, and last but not least, the human value of our business.
We realized the importance of building and developing this network of specialists at national level, which will have a major impact on the Romanian health system through the contribution they will make and by improving the quality of life of patients with chronic diseases.
We will initiate and develop debates between renowned leaders in the field of nutritional medicine, both in the country and abroad, in conjunction with a multidisciplinary approach, and we will facilitate access to research in the field of nutrition through the specialized center CESIN . CESIN is a large-scale project that aims to develop programs at the highest academic level. Thus, the entire scientific activity of the program is coordinated by the Scientific Committee composed of renowned specialists, professors and clinicians of high academic standing and the founding members of CESIN , who propose and supervise the entire activity starting from the desire to share exceptional expertise and experience.
In this regard, we invite you to join us in supporting and implementing these projects both as future partners and as project initiators in the context presented.
Thank you for your interest in these innovative projects that will change the way we understand and treat patients in the future and help them improve their quality of life.
Founding Members
Univ. Dr. Gabriela Radulian – Diabetes and Nutrition Specialty – UMF “Carol Davila” Bucharest
Univ. Dr. Mircea Diculescu – Gastroenterology Specialty – UMF “Carol Davila” Bucharest
Univ. Dr. Dan Gheonea – Gastroenterology Specialty – UMF Craiova
Univ. Dr. Adrian Goldiș – Gastroenterology Specialty – UMF “Victor Babeș” Timișoara
Univ. Dr. Adrian Vlad – Diabetes and Nutrition Specialty – UMF “Victor Babeș” Timișoara
Univ. Dr. Ligia Petrica – Nephrology Specialty – UMF “Victor Babeș” Timișoara
Assoc. Dr. Liliana Gîrneață – Nephrology Specialty – UMF “Carol Davila” Bucharest
Assist. Univ. Dr. Ileana Teodoru – Diabetes and Nephrology Specialty – UMF “Carol Davila” Bucharest
Association for Health and Medical Programs (ASPM)
Project developed by the Association for Health and Medical Programs (ASPM).
The project will be implemented by the Association for Health and Medical Programs
The project partners are: HWI Innovative Technologies and CEBIS International; In time, other partners will be invited to support this project.
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