We contribute with smiles to the mission of providing support to all people who need help
We, the founding members and the ASPM team are constantly united by the desire to help and the energy to initiate positive change for the people around us, who need support.
We believe that anything is possible when it comes to the good of our fellow men, and where there is a need for help, there are also the resources needed to provide it.
We are, above all, human beings, but our professional experience in creating and implementing support programs that have positively impacted the lives of more than 50,000 patients is another element that fuels our optimism and confidence.
In numbers, more than 98% of patients who have received our support have told us that it has added value to their lives, from helping them better understand their disease, to supporting them in controlling the negative effects of and to guide them through psychological counseling, no matter what the cause of the emotional imbalances that affected them.
We leave positive marks and smiles around us, and that makes us want more every day!
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