The psycho-emotional support project initiated by ASPM started from the idea that emotional support is as important as medical help, when it comes to the well-being of patients and their relatives or their quality of life.
According to World Health Organization statistics, approximately 2 million Romanians suffer from depression, but there are many cases that have not yet been diagnosed.
To these figures are added those of anxiety-related disorders, which have increased significantly over the past year, in the wake of changes caused by the SARS-Cov2 Coronavirus pandemic.
Last but not least, where there is a medical problem of any kind, whether it is a temporary imbalance, a chronic illness or an oncological diagnosis, there is automatically the need for psychological support.
The intervention of a psychologist brings fundamental changes in the lives of people who use this type of support, but unfortunately certain barriers such as lack of financial resources, help in finding a specialist or the great distance from specialized centers make this goal for many just an unfulfilled wish.
The Association for Health and Medical Programs is running the first project to provide free psychological counseling to those in need. Any donation means a step towards a quieter, more balanced and happier life of a sick person, grandfather, or lonely person in the face of worries or fears, a ray of light and hope in an uncertain and uncertain present.
Registration for volunteers (health professionals and psychologists): coming soon.
Registration for patients and relatives: coming soon.
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